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2+ Million
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Hire Top Talent
Access a pool of global candidates from our community primed for your industry and roles. Get the best of job listing platforms, but with added personal touches and community vibes.
Attend Career Events
Showcase your organization to our diverse and engaged community through career events that leave a lasting impact. Participate in our events or host your own.

Build Relationships Early
Elevate your company's image and attract talent with a compelling employer brand. Collaborate with us for a customized solution - Whether for your employees or a niche community.
What our friends from recruiting say
Found the quality of candidates to be higher and the platform provides access to a newer channel to find talent. Shortened our hiring process, my team is really happy.
Talent Manager
FedexWhat our friends from recruiting say
Thanks for letting us post jobs. Got a few leads that may be converting soon. Really useful and happy to see what you guys offered. I would be using you again.
Logistics Manager
AmazonWhat our friends from recruiting say
Thank you for your jobfair event. It was timely and I was able to connect with strong candidates. I would recommend to my other teammates for a broader partnership. Keep up the good work.
General Mechandise Lead
WalmartWhat our friends from recruiting say
Thanks for helping recruit some new team members. I would be using you again for future hiring!
Transportation Manager
StaplesWhat our friends from recruiting say
Got their support to hire some associates. Would work with them again. I would love to see how technology could be used to improve the outcome.
Store Manager
AppleWhat our friends from recruiting say
I have attended their events, and I am impressed with their community and use of technology to help with career development. Will participate again..